
This is a blog to talk about the paranormal in all of it's forms. Be it aliens, UFOs, astral projection, tarot cards, Ouija boards, magic, Wicca and anything else related. I've had some experiences in my life and I will share them with you.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Astral Projection, we can all do it.

I’ve just started this blog and I do want to share with all of what I can on the subject. I will start by telling you a true story about an out of body experience I’ve had. This has happened to me several times in my life. The last one was in Feb of this year (2010). What I remember was feeling vibrations going through my body late at night, something similar to an electrical current but with no discomfort.

This continued for about a minute or two when all of a sudden I felt a “whoosh”! And I was out of my body.

At this point what I experienced was something. I was floating over by bed but with little to no control of what was going on, similar to being in zero gravity unable to control the momentum. Next thing I remember was looking down at myself and seeing myself in the bed and just so matter of fact thinking “Oh, that’s me”. A few seconds later I felt myself being pulled back to my body but I didn’t want to return, I was enjoying this but I did return to my body and the next thing was for me to wake up.

During this experience I was aware of my limbs so I concluded that I (we) project a mirror image of our bodies during this experience.

Now the interesting part? I think I have a technique to astral project at will. I will share this in my next post.

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