
This is a blog to talk about the paranormal in all of it's forms. Be it aliens, UFOs, astral projection, tarot cards, Ouija boards, magic, Wicca and anything else related. I've had some experiences in my life and I will share them with you.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How to Astral Project

Okay her it is. Here's how to astral project. First of all you cannot be harmed while APing, not at all. This is 100% safe. Secondly you have to accept this 100%. By that I mean don’t think to yourself ”maybe I can do it” or “I’ll give it a try”, no. you have to accept this and acknowledge that this will happen. You have to tell yourself that “this will happen, this is real and I accept the astral projection I am about to experience 100%”. And nothing less.

Next make sure you will not be disturbed for anywhere from 30 minuets up to an hour. You need peace and quiet. Turn off your phone and go to your room. Once there close the curtains. A slightly dark room seems to work better.

Now lie on your back with your legs down and out. And start concentrating on relaxing. Start with your head. Imagine the top of your head relaxing than your forehead and then your eyes, nose, mouth, chin etc...

Keep doing this until you reach your toes. Be totally relaxed. Once you are totally relaxed keep counting to 10 slowly in your mind over and over again. This is to stop your mind from wandering. Your mind will wander so bring it back. This is also to stop you from falling asleep.

After a few minuets in this relaxed state your body will want to fall asleep, naturally wanting to curl up on your side or go into a fetal position. DO NOT do this. Stay on your back the idea is to let your body think it’s asleep and not to actually fall asleep.
This may cause dome discomfort – ignore this! Keep counting to 10 over and over again slowly. In a few minuets you will feel like you just had a weight put on you. This is good you have started to enter sleep paralysis. Next you will start to feel vibrations going through your body. This feels different to different people. For me it was like a small electrical current going through my body but with no discomfort.

When you reach this state you are pretty much ready to leave your body. And to do this a common approach is the “rope” technique. To do this you need to imagine a rope about 2 feet above your forehead. Try to grab it and start pulling. Or just try to “jump” out of your body. This works for me.

That’s it in as brief of an explanation as I can make it. Remember anybody can do this. All you really need is an open mind. Good luck and let me know your results.

P.S. Here's the Youtube vid...

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